There is such a thing as a “Too Perfect Profile”

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Ok, the main thing with online dating is finding someone, the whole point of being on the site, right? Right. So lets say, for example, you are on the site and you are doing all the right things, and are following all the tips you know of to meet the right person. The problem is, no one is trying to contact you. How are you supposed to “follow the rules’ of meeting someone, when there has been no one to talk to? You can’t exactly take someone out for a first date if you can’t even get one person to have a chat with you online, can you? No, you can’t.


Well, the problem may still be your profile. I know, I know, you followed all the directions and heeded all of the tips to a “T”. Believe it or not, even though someone might have a great profile and fit the bill of those who might want to meet them, there are still some things that could be wrong with the profiles which may be keeping love away.

What are these things?

  • Your Profile Looks Too Perfect
  • You Look Like a Spambot or a Spoof Profile!
  • You Aren’t Active Enough on the Site

So, with that said, lets take these one by one and see if we can’t explain them and why they may be ruining your chances at online dating love.

#1-Makings of a Perfect Profile

Once you have filled out your dating profile the right way, with all the needed information and added a photo of yourself, you are ready to go to the races at finding someone to call your own. Finding love within an online dating site, while it may seem easy, as we relationship writers are always saying it is, but in reality, well… Um, uh… It really is easy! Sorry, I like keeping things light…

Ok, so when the tips said to be honest and creative, and you believe you were, ask yourself, were you really? But, no matter what the answer, the fact remains you aren’t getting enough hits, almost like you don’t exist on the site. Why? There can be a fine line between candid, honest and too much. Honesty is wonderful, and says something about your character. The profile would say something like, “I am sensitive and I can say this because even though I am a man, I still cry watching An American Tale”, or something of that nature.

Candid is also great, just as long as you don’t go too overboard at which secrets you are putting out there for the whole online dating world to see. Maybe you write something like, “Hi, my name is __ and I love sitting on the back at the movies because of the amount of privacy-I like when no one can see what WE are doing on a date” or something of that nature.

Now, too much would be like going overboard, well that one is usually self explanatory. If you have written anything more honest or candid than along the lines of the examples above, then you might want to go and change it up a bit. Think honesty, not shock value. Usually the laid back honest profiles get the most hits because not only are they original, they are mysterious as well. With a tell all, there is really nothing left to the imagination, is there? Why would anyone want to continue to talk when you’ve already told them everything?

#2-Spambots & Spoof Profiles Are East to Spot, Aren’t they?

Everyone knows what a spambot is, right? It is that annoying machine that goes around to all the blogs and sites, pretending it is a human and tries to get information, or scam people. This phenomenon is rampant within Online Dating sites because there are so many people on the sites whose self esteem has taken quite a hit, so they are easier to manipulate than others, and the hackers who have created these wonderful machines know this, and pattern the Bots after humans, and will tell a dater whatever they want to hear to get the info they want from them.


Now, spoof profiles are something a not so honest dating site will do to make it look like their membership numbers are much more than they really are. They create the profiles just like I have given tips too, and try to make them look as real as possible. They will add a picture, all the profile info and more. And most of the time, both of these types of profiles are easy to spot. Or they will leave unwarranted comments on your profile, or on other posts, such as in the forums with a link to other irrelevant sites. Also, all the profiles look the same, for the most part, because a PC did all the work. Much like a “cookie–cutter” profile would look like. These are the ones that when you write to them, they don’t answer you most of the time.

Lets say you are searching through the singles on the site, and you happen receive a direct message form someone. You go and check out their profile and find you don’t really jive with what they are displaying on their profile, for whatever reason. The worst thing you can do is not answer that person and let them know you aren’t interested. First because it is rude. Most importantly, this behavior on your part makes you look like a spam bot. Not answering is what gives away spambots, and as such you should really answer everyone, even if you are not interested. It’s netiquette, and it just might save you from a boot off the site.

#3-You Have Built, Now They Will Come- Sit Back & Relax, You Did the Hard Work Already, Right?

So, you created the profile, you added the photo, everything is perfect. Hell, you even went back and made sure things weren’t too perfect, just as I said. So, then why is it no one is answering your profile? Why does no one want to talk with you? You don’t seem like you are that dis-interesting, anyway, so what could be the problem now? You should be able to relax while the requests to chat with you come pouring in, right?

Well, no-not exactly. You see, there is a little known function a dating site uses to keep the browsing and the site “fresh” for its users. This function allows certain profiles to be viewed by more singles more times than other profiles. So why is it then yours isn’t being viewed? What is the problem? the problem is you are relaxing. You see, if a person isn’t too active on the site, the function of the particular coding script tells the browse function whether or not to display your profile to other singles who are looking. What is the point of the site displaying your profile to others if you are not active on the site? How active does a person have to be to get more hits?

Here’s an explanation: If you don’t search for singles enough, or even log in enough, your profile will not be seen by others as much as you might want it to, or as much as it could be seen were you more active on the site. many sites work this way. You stay active and your profile goes to the top of the list more often. If you are not active, your profile gets buried behind those who deserve to be on the top because they are the ones being active on the site. So, the more interested you are in the site, the more people will be given a chance to become interested in you. It is that simple.

So, Tone it Down & Get in the Game More

Are you getting the picture, here? Do you have a perfect picture? Does your info happen to be a little, or a lot, similar to many others? This may just be a chance situation, as it is just the luck of the draw, really. but, no matter how much luck there is when it comes to online dating, there are still thee 3 tings a person can do to up their chances of being seen or heard. Finding love really isn’t that difficult, you have just got to want it enough, is all.

I strongly believe that online dating should be considered as a secondary route when it comes to meeting women. It should only be viewed as an investment in easy lays rather than something more substantial. Also if you’re using this sort of medium to meet some lovely ladies, never use it more than an hour every other day.

Online dating is pretty straight forward, you should create your internet profile and hit on the hottest girls on there and wait to see if anything bites, if many of them bite, use a spreadsheet like that guy from New York that got his spreadsheet viral after a date with a girl.

If you’re completely against internet dating, here are 10 reasons why it’s worth considering.

1. Easy way to find your type

Technology has made some serious advancements and they can be seen in internet dating. Dating sites provide customers with very comprehensive search features that offer results that are very compatible to your personality. This means instead of chatting up 10 girls you might not like, you can do a quick search and land 10 results that match.

Such algorithms are the reasons why so many people that meet online end up having a long term relationship.

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2. Can hit on large amounts of women in a very short amount of time

If you find yourself without much time on your hands but love to hit on a bunch of women, online dating provides you with this opportunity. You can hit on girls from work or anywhere else and use your free time to hit on girls in real life.

Now I’m not saying to spend your whole working day hitting on girls online but with moderation you can hit on at least 10 girls within 20 minutes.

3. Nobody knows how bad you suck

Unlike the typical bar scenario where you approach a girl, she gives you the finger and all your friends start laughing, you friends will only hear about what you tell them. Plus if you see somebody on there that you might know, unless they expose themselves, nothing will come out.

This makes rejection incredibly easy, also if you hit on a bunch of women simultaneously you won’t even have time to feel bad about getting rejected because you’re already hitting on more women. That’s the beauty of the internet folks.

4. Turning down girls is easy

In real life, when some girls come up to you in a bar (and you don’t like them at all), you usually have to make up some crappy excuse to get out of it. If your internet dating profile is being attacked by unattractive ladies, you simply ignore all of them and you’ll never hear anything back. If you want to be a nice guy, just turn them down, at least they can’t throw their drinks in your face.

5. Porn is only a click away

Conventional dating usually has you sitting at a table somewhere, trying to impress her while she’s judging your every move. Well, on the internet if things get boring or if she starts talking about her sexy tattoo in a very naughty place…then an easy way out to enjoyment is only a mouse click away. Just give the girl a quick “brb” go have a glorious release and get ready for round 2.

I guarantee you doing this online while you’re in your bedroom is much easier than doing it in a crowded restaurant.

6. Small chances of getting your ass kicked by an angry boyfriend

When you’re approaching girls in real there’s always a chance that her bouncer boyfriend was busy guarding the door and he wants to express his masculinity and his love for her by giving you a good old fashioned smashing.

When doing this online you can immediately see their relationship status. Unless their interested in fooling around in which case their bouncer boyfriends haven’t got the slightest clue about where you are and who you are. Quite frankly if she’s on there to cheat on her boyfriend, it shouldn’t even be your problem.

7. You can be exactly who you want to be

If you find it hard to find dates in real life because you’re either socially awkward or have some sort of other issues, this can be a fantastic way to pretend you’re somebody else. Always use a picture of yourself but as far as your achievement, personality traits etc, all can be improved upon.

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You might find it hard to act when you’re actually on a real date with this person but provided you had the chance to get to know her to a certain extent the whole social interaction shouldn’t be too stressful.

8. Real life dates end well

If you can convince a random woman on the internet that she should go out with you, your job is pretty much done. Provided that in most of these online situations, people spend some time chatting and getting to know each other, by the time you hit the date she’ll feel like she already knows you and would be pretty much ready to have sex with you.

Since online dating profiles are out in the open, she knows exactly what you’re looking for and you know exactly what she’s looking for. People skip the unnecessary games and get straight in to the action. That’s why internet dating is very good if you’re lazy and can’t be bothered to go out that often because it provides you with an opportunity to get your dick wet without too much effort.

9. Great way to find holiday lays

If you’re planning to visit that mate of yours in Chicago for 2 weeks, it might be a great idea to start a fling with a bunch of girls down there. By the time you get there the ladies will feel like they already know you and it’s going to go down pretty easy.

If you’re tight with money and loose with your morals you could even use this to hook up free accommodations. Granted this is much harder to do but it’s worth a shot right?

10. Pick anything you want

Apart from helping ugly western guys marry hot young Asian women, online dating can also help you meet women that you would normally not have the chance, or ability to meet in your everyday life.

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The internet is a great way to break social and cultural boundaries and can help you land some of the most exotic types of women. It can also get you chicks the chicks that you wouldn’t want your friend to know about…

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There you have it, as bad as online dating may seem there are at least 10 reasons that make it worth considering. However, moderation is the key to success, never spend more than 1 hour every other day on dating site and also remember that the best way to meet and date women is in real life, online dating should ALWAYS be your secondary option.