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In honor of my brother Richard's engagement to his beautiful fiancé Nicole, I'm sharing 34 Christian questions every couple should ask themselves before they get married.

Before Marc and I started counseling, he wrote up with a list of 34 Christian premarital questions. You read that right. He w-r-o-t-e these questions because he is that brilliant. Mostly because we had a lot of questions. The questions we were finding in most premarital counseling books, seminars, and such weren't what he was looking for.

Marc came up with these questions after studying the writings of Count Zinzendorf (1700-1760). What I love most about them is how they continually point back to Scripture, and revisiting these questions is making me fall in love with Marc all over again. I can't believe we will celebrate 5 years this October!!

There are certain questions every couple should ask before marriage. Please use these 34 Christian premarital questions to strengthen your relationship, whether you are dating, engaged, or married:

1. What does this marriage cost you? What do you have to give up? How do you feel about giving that up?

2. How do you define time well spent? What feels like a waste of time to you?

3. Do your partner's needs always come first? (This might be a good or bad thing)

4. What will sustain you when your partner screws up? Does your theology matter in dealing with conflict?

5. Do you feel your partner is committed to you? How? Do you know your partner is committed to you? How important is it to know they are committed to you? How does this line up with feeling God is committed to you?

6. What things hinder your relationship right now, or in the past?

7. What do you want out of marriage?

8. Do you believe your communion with one another directly affects the health of your marriage? What is your communion with Christ like? What are you doing daily to deepen it?

9. What has been the hardest season of suffering you've walked through? How has that shaped you?

10. Does it matter what others think of your marriage?

11. Do you see your spouse as a separate entity? Why? Is that Biblical? How does it affect your marriage?

12. What does it mean to put your partner's needs above your own?

13. Why has God provided you with a partner? What ministry do you see him working through in your relationship?

14. Does it matter to you how marriage relates to Christ and His Bride?

15. What does it mean to become one flesh? How is this influencing you? Are you still independent? Have you had to give up anything? Does a husband and wife with parallel yet independent ministries matter? What does submission mean?

16. Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins and that he is risen and reigning over this world and your life?

17. What things will most taint your sex life?

18. Is there anything you can't discuss with your partner? Do you think it's okay to have secrets in a marriage?

19. Looking at the face of two people in love, what tells you they are in love?

20. What does being married to Christ entail for you? In what ways are you falling short of this? How do you expect your spouse to help you in this? What if they don't or can't?

21. Do you think it is possible to progress in your relationship with Christ while your mate does not?

22. Does a successful marriage or satisfying marriage top your list of desires in your marriage? What do you want your marriage to ultimately be?

23. Do you believe your spouse's salvation depends on you? Define the Christian lifestyle you want your spouse to see in you.

24. What do you believe sex is intended to teach us in marriage?

25. What does it mean for the husband to be the head of the house?

26. How does being able to reconcile in a marriage affect ministry?

27. What distracts you from cleaving to your spouse?

28. How are you investing in the life of your partner?

29. How does Christian community affect marriage? What if it is wishy-washy, bland and fake? What if it is real? Can you distinguish between the two? Are you willing to change to accommodate in this area?

30. Can you say your mate sees the God of eternity in you? How so?

31. Is 'kinky' (inappropriate or impure) sex in marriage permissible? Why or why not?

32. What if you feel called to something but your partner does not?

33. What do you think will bring the greatest joy to your marriage?

34. Does compatibility matter? What does it mean to be compatible? Is your response in line with Scripture?

Marc and I purposefully wanted to talk through all of these questions before we got married. Plus, after you get engaged, all you think about is planning a wedding.

We heard how potentially stressful wedding planning could be. Instead of discussing important matters over designing invite cards at my parents house--we decided to intentionally talk about them in private before things got crazy. My advice to you is don't be afraid to ask the tough questions before you get engaged, and especially before you get married. After all, it's a pretty important decision--the rest of your life!


To learn more about Christian premarital questions, dating, and heartbreak--please check out these four books including two of mine:

  1. Sacred Marriage: What if God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy by Gary L. Thomas
  2. The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God by Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller

Loves Me Not: Heartbreak & Healing God's Way is written specifically for relationship breakups & heartbreak.

'Loves Me Not is a book that not only I wish I had when I was single, but it’s a book that I wish every single person would read.' - Brenda Rogers, author of Fall For Him: 25 Challenges From a Recovering Single

Christian Dating And Marriage Books

'This ebook is one of the many ways that Renee has encouraged young adults in their walk with Christ as they deal with the dating world. I love her authenticity and transparency and totally relate to her personal stories shared in this ebook.' - Sarah Francis Martin, author of Stress Point
'Renee Fisher addresses how to heal from breakups and broken relationships God’s way. I admire Renee for how open and honest she is about the heartbreak she’s experienced. Renee is an overcomer, and shares the lessons that God has taught her in a gracious, concise, and applicable manner. I highly recommend Loves Me Not.' - Tracy Steel, Author of Images of His Beauty

Not Another Dating Book: A Devotional Guide is a devotional guide on relationships for young adults.

'Solid advice for anyone trying to navigate the complicated (but wonderful) world of relationships' - Brett McCracken, Author of Hipster Christianity 'If you're single and not interested in another dating book, you need to read this book. It's real, it's relevant, it's fresh, and it speaks the truth to a deceived generation.' - Pete Wilson, author of Plan B
'If you are confused by what to think about dating, about singleness, about waiting...then Renee will provide you with straight-talking, grace-giving wisdom. Rather than pointing you just towards a future spouse, Renee points you to the only place of true life--a daily, growing relationship with God.' - Nicole Unice, author of She's Got Issues

After watching my YouTube video, “Should a Christian Girl Pursue a Guy?” one AGW subscriber reached out for my advice about a guy she liked. After reading her question and thinking about the details she shared, I recommended that she invite this guy she liked to go out with her to do something fun and casual together. She didn’t need to profess her love, but by sending him an invitation she could let him know she was interested.

Well, the guy respectfully declined. However, she wrote back and said, “Thanks Mark, just wanted to update you. I did it and was happy I did. He was kind and said thanks for my sweet note but he is currently interested in someone else. He thanked me for my honesty. It felt good to take a role in dating instead of always waiting.”

I really respect this girl’s perspective because so many Christian singles have become passive victims in the dating game. They want a godly relationship for good reasons, but they feel the only thing they are supposed to do is trust God and just wait.

Trusting God is always right, but “just waiting” is only sometimes right. So let’s discuss when waiting is good and bad when it comes to Christian dating.

Wait to Start Dating If You Need to Mature in the Lord

Many times a Christian single will need a period of time to get their heart and mind right with God. To do this, they feel God is leading them to not date for a season of time. This season will be used to focus solely on the Lord and to mature in certain areas that this individual may need. Seasons like this are also helpful to younger Christians who know they are not ready to get married.

Waiting to date is a very wise thing to do when you know you are not mature enough for a serious relationship that could lead to marriage. However, seasons like this should be for a specific amount of time and not just an endless season of rejecting all feelings about the opposite sex (unless this person feels led to live a life of singleness). Having feelings for someone of the opposite sex is not a sign you are discontent with God unless you are replacing your desire for God with a desire for a person. Romantic feelings and attraction can certainly lead to sin, but these feelings can also lead to a healthy Christian relationship or marriage.

Therefore you should only wait to start dating when there is a specific purpose and need for this season. If you are mature and ready to start dating, there are no extra spiritual points you get for sitting around and doing nothing to actually get into a relationship.

Wait to Date Until You Meet Someone with Potential

Perhaps you are personally ready to start dating and you want to be more proactive in the process, but there are no good candidates to actually pursue. In cases like this you should wait to date.

Don’t force dating. If there is no one around that you genuinely like or no one around you seems to have the qualities of a godly spouse, don’t waste your time by dating people of low caliber or that you really are not that interested in. When you date the wrong types of people, you actually slow down the process of meeting a good possible spouse because you are too busy wasting your time and emotional energy on guys or girls who are not going to pan out in the long-run.

So Christian singles should wait to date if there is no one around worth dating.

Don’t Wait to Be Found

Here’s my main caution when it comes to the idea of Christian singles waiting for God to bring the right person into their life: Don’t wait to be found.

Of course you should be relying on God to bless your search for a spouse. I really do believe God plans who we will marry. But when you believe the only way God will bring about this union is by you “just waiting” and relying on the actions of “someone out there” to see you, like you, pursue you, get to know you, ask you out, date you, then make you fully comfortable that they want to marry you, then you are setting yourself up for a long wait.

I feel women struggle with this more because the pastor usually pounds the pulpit preaching that only a guy should pursue a girl. I agree that a husband should lead his wife, but for a girl to initiate a conversation or to invite a guy out to show him that she likes him is not a sin and can be a very helpful thing to do.

Christian men, too, can sometimes have a great understanding of trusting the sovereignty of God but then they can be very immature in their application of this doctrine. God’s power is not a reason to do nothing. God’s power is the reason we can step out in faith and follow him as he leads us to actually make decisions in our pursuit of good things, like marriage.

If we are telling all the Christian singles to wait, we are creating a flawed system. If everyone is praying and trusting God but doing nothing to actively engage the opposite sex, is it any wonder why so many Christians remain single? If no one is being active then it’s no surprise there are so many people sitting at home alone when they wish they were not.

Christian Dating And Marriage

Somebody has to make a move! Do you know who that person should be? You – the person who wants to be in a relationship. If you want to be in a relationship it is your responsibility to do more than “just wait.” I’m not saying you stop trusting God and try to take control of everything. But trusting God results in actions too. You may need to wait for a period of time, but when an opportunity comes you need to act. We all need to take responsibility for our own desires and stop relying on other people to hopefully fulfill what we want to accomplish in our lives.

It works especially nicely when a guy and a girl both stop playing games and start communicating their feelings. You don’t have to write the person a long letter or profess your undying devotion. But there are practical ways of letting someone know you would like to get to know him or her more. Invite them out to dinner. Invite them to a family party. Ask them if they are dating anyone and then if they say no ask them out to coffee. They will get the picture. If they are interested in getting to know you too, they will respond. If they are not interested, they will communicate that somehow and then you can move on and stop wondering what might or might not happen between the two of you.

Don’t Wait for Dreams, Visions, and Signs in the Sky

Another bad reason to wait is when you want an abundance of confirmation to make a small decision. Waiting on the Lord for an answer and seeking confirmation from God on what he wants you to do is very wise and should be done. But the level of confirmation you seek should correspond to the level of importance of the decision you need to make.

If you barely know a girl at church but you would like to take her out to coffee to see where things might lead, you don’t have to fast about that decision. Why? Because whether she says “yes” or “no” is not that big of deal. If you go out to coffee and then go on a date because it seems to be a good connection, great. But stay in reality, you’re not getting married. And if coffee turns into nothing and you never speak again, great, you barely know that person and it is not a big deal. Now if you are considering getting engaged to someone, fasting and deeper meditation on that decision would be very appropriate.

You just don’t want to wait to date because you have not received a dream, vision, or supernatural sign in the sky confirming a decision you need to make that is not overly important. Many times Christian singles have been taught the importance of marriage so well that they become paralyzed in pursuing it. People wait for signs in the sky when they fear making a mistake. Fear is never a good ingredient when it comes to relationships.


So follow God, pray, consult his word, and seek the Holy Spirit’s direction in all things; just make sure you are not asking for too much confirmation for decisions that, in the big scheme of things, are not life and death decisions.

Christian Books On Dating And Marriage Pdf

Don’t Wait for God to Do What You Ask. Start Doing What He Asks You to Do

Christian Books On Dating Courtship And Marriage

In summary, maybe you are not waiting on God. Maybe God is waiting on you. Waiting is helpful when you know you are not ready to date or if there is no one around to date. But waiting as a way of finding a spouse is illogical. Patience, of course. Wisdom, absolutely. But “just waiting” is not how relationships work. It takes two, so if you are not playing your part in the search maybe you will never be found.

Christian Dating And Marriage

Waiting on the Lord is a biblical truth, but waiting on the Lord does not contradict other biblical truths like working hard and using wisdom in our decisions, which includes how we approach Christian dating and relationships.

Christian Dating Service

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