1. Best Men's Dating Profile Examples
  2. Best Dating Profiles For Men
  3. Best Written Male Dating Profile
  • Tinder Profile Examples. “I’m looking for somebody to be a contestant on Bargain Hunt with. You have to be good though, because I’m not losing.”. “A geek at heart, I like everything from board games, comics, books and movies to technology, science and various different franchises.”.
  • The best online dating profile examples for men will get the girl to think “This guy sounds really cool! I think I’ll email him!!!” and then have them send you a message. This is the exact technique I use when writing profiles for my clients. And, depending on the pictures men have up, they get between one and 4 messages a day from NEW women.

Oct 2, 2018 - Examples of good online dating profile examples for men that you can use as a template or inspiration. Get an idea of what works!. See more ideas about online dating profile examples, online dating profile, dating profile. The best profile in the world is so unique that it would be impossible for any other guys to use it. With that said, if you’re not planning to have us write a magnetically-attractive profile for you that makes you stand out like a sore thumb from all the other local guys, these templates are most likely a big step up from what you have now. Now let's take a look at a few longer dating profile examples for men Match Profile Examples. Match is one of the most popular mainstream dating sites, and a great place to meet attractive, intelligent people. But since it’s so popular among successful, career-driven singles, your profile is up against a lot of competition.

As an online dating coach I’ve probably read well over 20 thousand dating profiles over the past decade. Along the way, I’ve read a lot of incredible profiles and today I’m going to share the five traits the best online dating profiles have in common. If you want to take your online dating profile to the next level, use this list as a guide to help you get started.

1. The best dating profiles rise above the norm.
Most online dating profiles fall into one of three categories—cliche, boring, or just plain bad. It’s your job to rise above that by crafting a profile that truly makes your personality shine.

When you meet someone in person they have little quirks, mannerisms, interests, unique qualities, and ways of speaking and acting that make them stand out from other people. No two people are the same and it’s these differences that catch our attention and attract us to each other.

And yet, a lot of people on online dating sites and apps appear to be exactly the same. This is something you need to avoid. When you write your profile, inject your unique personality into it so that it paints a distinct picture of someone memorable and unique. Give people a reason to remember you.

2. The best dating profiles understand their audience.
Most people have a short attention span. Real short. I mean, I took three coffee breaks, ate six doughnuts, and had a mini existential crisis before I even finished this sentence. When it comes to your online dating profile, you have a window of just a few seconds to draw your audience in, so every detail matters. To increase the odds of someone reading your entire profile, try employing the following tactics:

– Provide structure instead of having one long paragraph.
– Make it playful and add humor.
– Talk directly to the reader and be casual and conversational.
– Be personable and avoid cliches.

3. The best online dating profiles create FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).
When I first saw my wife’s profile several years back, I couldn’t get her off my mind. I thought about her when I wasn’t online, looked at her profile and pictures multiple times prior to meeting, and was nothing short of excited to meet her.

Her profile wasn’t just well written and her pictures weren’t just attractive. The entire persona displayed was so great that I had a fear of missing out on the chance to meet her.

This is what the best online dating profiles are able to accomplish. They paint a picture that is diverse, fun, unique, well-rounded, and so interesting that people don’t just want to meet you, but they fear not meeting you.

4. Maximize your photo gallery to its fullest potential.
Having attractive photos will go a long way and will likely be enough to catch people’s attention. But we aren’t here just to get attention, we want to help you find someone you’re actually interested in meeting for a date.

In order to do so, you need to maximize the potential of your photo gallery by revealing as much of yourself as you can. Every photo you post is your chance to communicate different personality traits, hobbies, and stories about yourself. Use this opportunity to the fullest.

You always want to have one picture where you look your absolute best, but other than that, strive to show yourself in situations that are fun, unique, or windows into your personality.

Family pictures, vacation pictures, adventure pictures, animal pictures, etc., are all examples of how you can maximize the potential of your photo gallery by revealing things about yourself.

5. Stay positive.
At the end of the day, positive vibes are what it’s all about. When someone reads your profile it should exude positivity and optimism. This is what people are attracted to. Well, at least the ones worth meeting!

Be enthusiastic and communicate that you’re a happy person and excited about the process of meeting someone special. Negative vibes or lists of what you don’t want in a partner have no place in an online dating profile. Always focus on what you do want when you write your profile, not what you don’t want.

Joshua Pompey is an online dating expert and founder of joshuapompey.com where he creates custom made profiles for men and women. Learn more and sign up for a free profile evaluation.

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Here’s the link to Inbox Overload if you want women to reply to your messages.

You asked for online dating profiles examples for men, so I thought I would give you a few great ones. Some guys think they need to have a funny online dating profile. Not me (or you I hope). I’m not there to entertain. I have one goal in mind and that is to…



Best Male Dating Profiles

That’s all I want. I just want them to get attracted and curious and email me. The goal isn’t to entertain them. Or tell your life story Or sell yourself to them… The best online dating profile examples for men will get the girl to think “This guy sounds really cool! I think I’ll email him!!!” and then have them send you a message. This is the exact technique I use when writing profiles for my clients. And, depending on the pictures men have up, they get between one and 4 messages a day from NEW women.

Great online dating profiles for men get women to email you, that’s all we’re looking for.

So, with that in mind, here are some of the… Best online dating profile examples for men:

Start out like you’re friends sitting around chatting

Let’s start at the top. You want your profile to be fun and conversational. You want to look like a guy who’s just enjoying his life and would love to have a woman to enjoy it with. You want to invite her into, and make her a part of your life.

So start out with something that makes it look like you’re already friends… Okay, so I know you checked out my pictures and you’re back for more. Great. 🙂 I’m going to take the dog for a walk while you find out a little more about me here. Enjoy, and shoot me a message or wink or whatever when you’re done so we can get to know each other.

That’s the intro to your dating profile. You keep it light, make it different and a little fun. And tell her that you want her to send you a note. Some women need permission… give it her.

You don’t have to write like this in your online dating profile to get women interested, but the best online dating profiles for men read this way.

Hit her hot buttons in your main profile

Next you write your main dating profile. This is tricky. You have to hit certain buttons here. You’re looking to show her that you’re confident, enjoying life, picky, and fun. Here are some online dating profile examples that have been huge successes… My parents always wanted me to be a doctor, but I knew Information Technology was my true calling. I’m way cooler than my geeky friends and way geekier than my cool friends. I tend to stand out wherever I am. I’m currently helping businesses design websites to get more customers. It’s going very, very well.I’m very laid back, fun, and easy to get along with. I have a lot of really interesting friends who make my life all that much better. Some you probably wouldn’t talk to, and some who probably wouldn’t talk to you. 🙂I learned to play guitar at an early age and ever since playing that first G string, I was hooked. Jazz is my favorite. There’s something soothing and deep about it that just speaks to my soul. And you get bonus points if you can sing off tune to my out of tune guitar.I’m cocky. I’ve worked hard to achieve, learn and become who I am and that’s brought me a lot of confidence. I like the me that I am now much better than the old version of me. But don’t worry, I don’t think I’m better than you. Your amazing girl parts give you triple points from the word “go”!

We also had some things in there about what he wanted in a woman. This was an average online dating profile example, and the first day this was up my client got 26 messages.

Tell her to send you a message at the end of your profile


(And before you read how to close your online dating profile, you should know that each guy is different. I’ve written hundreds of dating profiles for men and each one is unique. This profile matches this guy’s interests and personality… well we spice it up a little bit. And you’re different, so follow the method here without copying and pasting this profile.)

Now, at the end of your write-up you want to ask the girl to message you again. This is HUGE. We have seen responses double with just this one technique. Here is an example you can adapt for your online dating profile:

If you think we’d get along, send me a short message, I’d be happy to hear from you. Who knows, it could be the start of something amazing!

Best Men's Dating Profile Examples

There you go, that’s a pretty good example of an online profile for men. It consistently got between 1 and 4 messages from NEW women every day for over 2 months before enough women saw it that it got stale. But in that 2 months one guy went out with 28 different woman. (Most guys only want a few women though.)

I have an entire eBook on writing a profile that gets women to email you. It includes hitting her attraction triggers, the best headlines, and what you have to have for pictures. You might want to get my book on online dating profile writing.

Best Dating Profiles For Men

I just finished a second post on online dating profile examples for men. Also, I found a good post on writing your online dating profile here.

Best Written Male Dating Profile

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